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வியாழன், 23 அக்டோபர், 2014

PDS 2 Important 2marks question bank

                                          CSE LECTURES 148

SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur-603 203






1. Define class and object.
2. Define object.
3. When do we declare a member of a class static?
4. How is a class declared in C++?
5. What is a scope resolution operator and how can it be used for global
6. What is meant by binding?
7. How the pointer is implemented in C++?
8. What does ‘this’ pointer point to?
9. Define encapsulation.
10.Write the properties of static member function.
11.What is an inline function?
12.State the characteristics of procedure oriented programming.
13.What are the features of Object Oriented Programming?
14.Distinguish between Procedure Oriented Programming and Object Oriented
15.List out the basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming.
16.State Polymorphism.
17.List and define the two types of Polymorphism.
18.Define Message Passing.
19.List out some of the benefits of OOP.
20.List out the applications of OOP.
21.List out the four basic sections in a typical C++ program.
22.State the use of void in C++.
23.List out the conditions where inline expansion doesn’t work.
24.Why do we use default arguments?
25.State the advantages of default arguments.
26.Define friend function. PART B (16 MARKS)
1. Write short notes on comparison of conventional programming and OOPS.
2. Explain the control structures of C++ with suitable examples.
3. Write a menu driven program to accept 2 integers and an operator (+,-,*,%,/)
and to perform the operation and print the result.
4. Give the syntax and usage of the reserved word inline with two examples.
5. Explain the importance of constructors and destructors with example.
6. Define friend class and specify its importance. Explain with suitable
7. Explain the merits and demerits of object oriented paradigm.
8. What are the difference between pointer to constants and constant to
9. Write a program to get the student details and print the same using pointers
to objects and pointers to members of a class. Create a class student. And
use appropriate functions and data members.
10.Write a program to demonstrate how a static data is accessed by a static
member function.
1. Why is it necessary to overload an operator?
2. What is the need to declare base classes as virtual?
3. What is the use of virtual functions in C++?
4. What is inheritance?
5. What does multiple inheritance mean?
6. List out the operators which cannot be overloaded.
7. What is constructor?
8. Define default constructor.
9. Define parameterized constructor.
10.Define copy constructor.
11.Define dynamic constructor.
12.Define const object.
13.Define destructor. 14.Write some special characteristics of constructor.
15. List some of the rules for operator overloading.
16. What are the types of type conversions?
17.What is an abstract class?
18.What is the ambiguity between default constructor and default argument
19. What is meant by casting operator and write the general form of overloaded
casting operator.
20. Is it possible to overload a constructor? How.
1. Define a class ‘string’. Use overload ‘= =’ operator to compare two strings.
2. What is a parameterized constructor? Explain with example.
3. Describe the syntax of multiple inheritance. When do we use such an
4. What is a virtual function? When do we make a virtual function ‘‘pure’’?
5. What is operator overloading? Overload the numerical operators ‘+’ and ‘/’
for complex numbers “addition” and “division” respectively.
6. Define friend class and specify its importance. Explain with suitable
7. Explain the concept of inheritance by considering an example of “vehicle”.
8. Explain the operators used for dynamic memory allocation with examples.
9. Write a C++ program to define overloaded constructor and to perform string
initialization and string copy.
10.Illustrate the use of copy constructor and function overloading with C++
11.What are the different forms of inheritance supported by C++? Explain with
relevant example code.
12.Explain protected data with private and public inheritance.
13.Write a C++ program for to solve eight queens problem with friend
functions. 14. Write a C++ program that contains a class String and overloads the
following operators on Strings.
+ to concatenate two strings
- To delete a substring from the given string
= = to check for the equivalence of both strings.
1. What is template?
2. How is an exception handled in C++?
3. What is file mode? List any four file modes.
4. What are the file stream classes used for creating input and output files?
5. List out any four containers supported by Standard Template Library.
6. List five common examples of exceptions.
7. What are the three standard template library adapters?
8. What is ‘throw’()? What is its use?
9. What is meant by abstract class?
10.What are streams? Why they are useful?
11.What is a namespace?
12.What is a manipulator?
13.How are exception classified?
14.What do you mean by synchronous exception?
15.What is asynchronous exception?
16.What is File?
17.What is String?
18.What are the ways for creating String object?
19.What are class templates?
20.What are function templates?
1. Explain with an example, how exception handling is carried out
in C++.
2. Write a class template to insert an element into a linked list. 3. Write a class template to implement a stack.
4. What is a user defined exception? Explain with an example.
5. Write a C++ program to store set of objects in a file and to retrieve
the same.
6. Highlight the features of STL.
7. List the different stream classes supported in C++
8. Write a C++ program to read the contents of a text file.
9. Explain the use of any six manipulators with example.
10.Discuss in detail the unformatted I/O operations.
1. In an AVL tree, at what condition the balancing is to be done?
2. What do you mean by a heap and mention its types?
3. What is a binary search tree?
4. What is a disjoint set? Define the ADT for a disjoint set.
5. Define non linear data structure.
6. Discuss the application of trees.
7. What is meant by depth and height of a tree?
8. Write code for disjoint set find.
9. Show the result of inserting 2;1;4;5;9;3;6;7 into an initially empty AVL tree.
10.Write any two advantages of binary heap.
11.Why is always a red node inserted into a red-black tree?
12.Distinguish between the constraints of shape property and heap property.
13.What is the purpose of Red black trees?
14.Give an example of Fibonacci heap and define Fibonacci heap.
15.Define binomial heap with appropriate diagram.
16.Does the sequence <23,17,14,6,13,10,1,5,7,12> represents a heap?
17.Is the height of every tree in a Binomial heap that has n elements O (log n)?
If not what is the worst-case height as a function of n?
18.Compare the worst case height of a red-black tree with n nodes and that of
an AVL tree with the same number of nodes? 19.List out any two applications of splay trees.
20.Define amortized analysis.
1. Discuss, compare and contrast Binomial heaps and Fibonacci heaps in terms
of insertion, deletion operations and applications.
2. Describe any one scheme for implementing Red-Black trees. Explain
insertion and deletion algorithm with details. How do these algorithms
balance the height of the tree?
3. Write algorithm to construct Fibonacci heap with suitable example.
4. Write algorithm to construct Binomial heap with suitable example.
5. What are the properties of Red black trees?
6. What is the need for splay trees? Give an example.
7. Illustrate with an algorithm to show the insertion of data into an
AVL tree.
8. Write an algorithm to merge two AVL trees T1 and T2 to obtain new
AVL tree pointed out by NT.
9. Write C++ member function to implement the following Fibonacci Heap
(i) Create an empty F-heap. (8)
(ii) Insert element x into F-heap. (8)
10.Explain Fibonacci Heap Deletion Key operation using Cascading-Cut
procedure with example.
11.Explain insertion procedure in Red-Black tree and insert the following
sequence: { 20,10,5,30,40,57,3,2,4,35,25,18,22,21}
12.Show the result of inserting 10,17,2,4,9,6,8 into an empty AVL tree.
13.Write the procedure to implement single and double rotation while inserting
nodes in AVL tree.UNIT V
1. Define graph.
2. When does a graph become tree?
3. What is a spanning tree?
4. What is degree of a graph?
5. Define indegree and out degree of a graph.
6. What is a minimum spanning tree?
7. What is Euler circuit?
8. What are the two ways of representing a graph? Give examples.
9. Does either prim’s or Kruskal’s algorithm work if there are negative
10.List out the applications of graph.
11.Does the minimum spanning tree of a graph give the shortest distance
between any two specific nodes? Justify.
12. What is meant by digraph? Define the terms in-degree and out-degree with
respect to a digraph.
13.Write the adjacency matrix for the following graph.
14. What is topological sort?
15.Define bi-connected graph.
16.What is meant by biconnectivity and articulation point with respect to
undirected graphs?
17.What do you mean by depth first traversal?
18. What is a forest?
19. What do you mean by breadth first traversal?
20. Explain prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithm. PART B (16 MARKS)
1. Explain the method of constructing minimum cost spanning tree using
Kruskal’s algorithm.
2. Explain briefly articulation points and biconnected components.
3. Explain the traversals of directed graphs also give its analysis.
4. Explain Prim’s algorithm to construct minimum spanning tree from an
undirected graph.
5. What is topological sort? Write an algorithm to perform topological sort.
6. Write the pseudo code to find a minimum spanning tree using Kruskal’s
7. Find the shortest weighted path from A to all other vertices for the graph
given below
Figure 1
8. Find the shortest unweighted path from B to all other vertices for the graph
given in Figure 1.
9. Explain Dijkstra's algorithm and solve the single source shortest path
problem with an example.
10.Illustrate with an example, the linked list representation of graph.
11.Find the shortest path from node 1 to 7 using shortest path algorithm.

வெள்ளி, 10 அக்டோபர், 2014

ADC Important Questions Download Unit wise

Subject Code :141304
Subject Name: Analog and Digital Communication                Year/Sem:II/III


  1. As related to AM, what is over modulation, under modulation and 100% modulation?
  2. Define modulation index of an AM signal
  3. A transmitter radiates 9 kW without modulation and 10.125 kW after modulation.
Determine depth of modulation.
  1. Define the transmission efficiency of AM signal.
  2. Draw the phasor diagram of AM signal.
  3. Advantages of SSB.
  4. Disadvantages of DSB-FC.
  5. What are the advantages of superhetrodyne receiver?
  6. Distinguish between low level and high level modulator.
  7. Give the parameters of receiver.
  8. Define sensitivity and selectivity.
  9. Define fidelity.
  10. What is meant by image frequency?
  11. Need for modulation.
  12. Application of AM.
  13. What is meant by diagonal clipping and negative peak clipping?
  14. Define envelope.
  15. Distinguish between linear and non linear modulator.
  16. What are the limitations of AM
  17. Draw the envelope of AM
  18. Differentiate phase modulation and frequency modulation.
  19. When a signal m(t) = 3 cos (2p x 103t ) modulates a carrier c(t) = 5 cos (p x 106t),
find the modulation index and transmission bandwidth if the modulationisAM.
23. What do you mean by narrowband and wideband FM?
24. Give the frequency spectrum of narrowband FM?
      25  Define frequency deviation in FM?
26   state Carson’s rule of FM bandwidth?
27 Differentiate between narrow band and wideband FM.?
28 What are the advantages of FM.?
29 Define PM.
30   what is meant by indirect FM generation?
31   Draw the phasor diagram of narrow band FM.
32   Write the expression for the spectrum of a single tone FM signal.
33   Define modulation index of FM and PM.
34   Differentiate between phase and frequency modulation.
35   A carrier of frequency 100 MHz is frequency modulated by a signal x(t)=20sin
36   (200¶x10t ). What is the bandwidth of the FM signal if the frequency sensitivity  of themodulator is 25 KHz per volt?
37   What is the bandwidth required for an FM wave in which the modulating frequency signal is 2 KHz and the maximum frequency deviation is 12 KHz?
38   Determine and draw the instantaneous frequency of a wave having a total phase
       angle given by ø(t)= 2000t +sin10t.


1.(i)  What is the principle of Amplitude modulation? Derive expression for the AM wave and draw its spectrum. (8)

(ii) Describe the frequency analysis of Angle modulated waves. Explain their Bandwidth requirements.     (8)

2) (i) A modulating signal of 2 cos5000is amplitude modulated over a carrier signal of 5cos20000. Derive expressions for the modulation index, LSB and VSB frequencies, Bandwidth and the ratio of Side Band Power in the Total Power of AM wave. (8)

(ii) Explain the principle of Angle Modulation. Derive and explain phase deviation, Modulation index, frequency deviation and percent modulation. (8)

3) (i) Write short notes on :
(1) AM voltage distribution. (4)
(2) AM power distribution. (4)

(ii) An audio frequency signal 10 sin 2*3.14* 500is used to amplitude modulate a carrier of 50 sin 5*3.14*10^5 t. Calculate
(1) Modulation index (2)
(2) Side band frequencies (2)
(3) BW required (2)
(4) Total power delivered to the load of 600 _. (2)

4) (i) Compare FM and AM. (12)
(ii) The phase deviation constant in a phase modulation system is K = 0.01 rad/v. Calculate the maximum phase deviation when a modulating signal of 10 V is applied? (4)

5) In angle modulation, explain frequency deviation, percent modulation, phase deviation and modulation index with suitable example.

6) (i) Derive the expression for a Amplitude Modulated wave and draw its spectrum. (10)

(ii) Obtain a relationship between carrier and side band powers in an AM DSBFC wave and explain how power distribution takes place in AM DSB FC system. (6)

7) (i) Define modulation index for FM and PM and obtain the relation between modulation index and modulating signal for FM and PM.

(ii) Compare the advantages and disadvantages of angle modulation with amplitude modulation.

8) (i) Distinguish between FM and PM by giving its mathematical analysis. (8)
(ii) Derive the relationship between the voltage amplitudes of the side band frequencies and the carrier and draw the frequency spectrum. (8)

9) In an AM modulator, 500 KHz carrier of amplitude 20 V is modulated by 10 KHz modulating signal which causes a change in the output wave of 7.5 . Determine :
(1) Upper and lower side band frequencies
(2) Modulation Index
(3) Peak amplitude of upper and lower side frequency
(4) Maximum and minimum amplitudes of envelope

1Differentiate coherent and non coherent digital modulation methods
2. What is correlative coding?
3. Compare bandwidth of Mary PSK signal And Mary FSK signal
4. Sketch the waveform of PSK for binary sequence 1100101.
5. Differentiate QPSK and BPSK.
6. Differentiate ASK and FSK.
7. What are the type of digital data format.
8. Define minimum Shift keying.
9. Define Duobinary encoding
10.Define DPSK.
11 What are the advantages of QPSK?
12 Define Nyquist sampling theorem.
13 Define information capacity and bit rate.
14. Draw PWM and PPM waveforms.
15. What is the relation between bit rate and baud for a FSK system?
16. What are the advantages of digital transmission?
17. Define ASK, PSK and FSK.
18. What is meant by antipodal signal and give one example?
19. Why is ASK called as ON-OFF keying?
20. What are the differences between QASK and QPSK?

1. (i) Draw FSK Transmitter and explain. Describe its Bandwidth Considerations. (8)
(ii) For a BPSK modulator with a Carrier frequency of 70 MHz and an input bit rate of 10 Mbps, determine the maximum and minimum upper and lower side frequencies, draw the output spectrum, determine the minimum Nyquist bandwidth, and calculate the baud (Assume f= 5MHz)

2) (i) Draw and explain the operations of Non-coherent and coherent FSK modulators. (8)
(ii) Draw QPSK modulator and explain. Describe its Bandwidth considerations. (8)

3) (i) Explain the principle of FSK transmitter and receiver. (10)
(ii) Write short notes on the spectrum and bandwidth of FSK. (6)

4) (i) Compare the various types of digital modulation techniques. (8)
(ii) Explain the eyepattern in base band digital transmission with a neat diagram. (8)

5) Describe FSK transmitter and FSK receiver.

6) Explain in detail carrier recovery with a suitable block diagram.

7) (i) Describe with neat diagram, the operation of a QPSK modulator. Draw its phasor and constellation diagram. (10)
(ii) Explain the bandwidth considerations of QPSK system. (6)

8) What is carrier recovery? Discuss how carrier recovery is achieved by the squaring loop and Costas loop circuits. (16)

9) Draw the block diagram of FSK receiver and explain the operation. Determine the : (i) peak frequency deviation (ii) minimum bandwidth (iii) baud for FSK signal with a mark frequency of 49 kHz, space frequency of 51 kHz, and input bit rate of 2 kbps.

10) Draw the block diagram of QPSK modulator and explain its operation. For QPSK modulator, construct the truth table, phasor diagram and constellation diagram.

11) What is known as Binary phase shift keying? Discuss in detail the BPSK transmitter and Receiver and also obtain the minimum double sided Nyquist bandwidth.

12) (i) Illustrate the concept of 8 QAM transmitter with the truth table. (8)
(ii) What is the need for carrier Recovery? Explain the Costas loop method of carrier recovery. (8)

1State sampling theorem.
2. What is aliasing?
3. How to avoid aliasing effect.
4. Define eye pattern.
5. Define PAM.
6. Construct NRZ and RZ format for 011010.
7. Define adaptive equalization.
8.Define ISI.
9.Define Nyquist Criteria.
10.What is the interpretation obtained from eye pattern?
11. Define Nyquist sampling theorem.
12. For the signal (t3 cos 500 *3.144 sin 1000*3.14 , Determine the Nyquist
sampling rate.
13. Draw PWM and PPM waveforms.
14. Draw the Eye pattern and indicate how ISI is measured from it.
15. What are the advantages of digital transmission?
16. Define companding.
17. Define dynamic range.
18. Determine the Nyquist sample rate for a maximum analog input frequency of
(a) 4 KHz
(b) 10 KHz.
19. Distinguish between DM and ADM.

1State and prove Sampling theorem.
2. Explain various data formats with clear example.
3. What is eye pattern. What are the interpretations obtained from it?
4. Write notes on Intersymbol Interference.
5. Explain in detail the Nyquist criterion for distortionless transmission of baseband PAM
6. Write notes on adaptive equalization.
7. (i) Describe in detail the PCM technique with focus on its sampling rate, and signal to quantization Noise ratio. (8)
(ii) What is ISI? Explain the applications of eye pattern to detect ISI. (8)

8. (i) With a block diagram, explain the adaptive Delta Modulation technique. (8)
(ii) What is DPCM? Explain its principle with neat block diagram. (8)

9. (i) Explain the elements of PCM system with a neat block diagram. (12)
(ii) What is companding? (4)

10 (i) Find the signal amplitude for minimum quantization error in a delta modulation system if step size is 1 volt having repetition period 1 ms. The information signal operates at 100 Hz.
(ii) Describe the operation of DPCM system with a relevant diagram.(12)

11. For a PCM system with the following parameters, determine
(i) Minimum sampling rate
(ii) Minimum number of bits used in the PCM code
(iii) Resolution and
(iv) Quantization error
Maximum analog input frequency = 4 KHz
Maximum decoded voltage at the receiver = ± 2.55 V
Minimum dynamic range = 46 dB.

12.   Describe DPCM transmitter and receiver with suitable block diagram.

13. (i) Draw the block diagram of a PCM transmitter and explain the function of each block. (6)
(ii) What are the types of sampling? Explain the operation of the sample and hold circuit. (10)

14.  Draw the block diagram and describe the operation of a delta modulator. What are its advantages and disadvantages compared to a PCM system? (16)

15. What is companding? Explain analog companding process with the help of block diagram.

16.  How does delta modulation differ from PCM? Explain delta modulation transmitter with the help of a block diagram.

17. (i) Explain in detail the Delta modulation transmitter and Receiver. (10)
(ii) Discuss the draw backs of delta modulation and explain the significance of adaptive delta modulator. (6)

1Define pseudo noise sequence.
2. Define spread spectrum technique
3. Differentiate Slow and fast FH SS technique.
4. Differentiate TDMA and FDMA.
5. Define processing gain for DS SS technique
6. What are the advantages of Spread Spectrum techniques?
7. Differentiate DS –SS and FH-SS.
8. Define processing gain for FH SS technique
9. What are the disadvantages of DS SS techniques?
10. What are the advantages of FH SS techniques?
11. What are the applications of spread spectrum modulation?
12. Design processing gain in spread spectrum modulation.
13. Define effective jamming power and processing.
14. What is the principle of frequency hopping spread spectrum?
15. A spread spectrum communication system has the following parameters;information bit duration T= 4.095 ms, PN chip duration T= 1 ms. Determine Processing Gain.
16. What is meant by slow frequency hopping and fast-frequency hopping?
17. What is frequency hopping?
18. What is meant by an orthogonal code?
19. Define Pseudonoise sequence?
20. What are the different types of multiple access techniques?
21. What is the significance of PN sequence?
22. What are the types of FH spread spectrum technique?

1. Explain in detail the transmitter and receiver of DS SS technique.
2. Explain in detail the transmitter and receiver of FH SS technique.
3. Explain in detail the characteristics of PN sequence
4. Explain the two common multiple access technique for wireless communication.
5. Differentiate direct sequence and frequency hop spread spectrum technique
6. Compare and contrast TDMA and CDMA techniques.
7. (i) Draw the circuit of a P-N sequence generator and explain. (8)
(ii) Describe the concept of FHSS in detail. (8)

8. (i) Explain the principle of DSSS with coherent binary PSK. (8)
(ii) Compare between the TDMA and CDMA wireless communication systems.

9. (i) Write a short note on frequency hop spread spectrum. (10)
(ii) Explain the applications of spread spectrum techniques. (6)

10.  (i) Give a detail account of the different types of multiple access techniques. (10)
(ii) Compare TDMA and CDMA. (6)

11. Discuss the frequency HOP spread spectrum with suitable block diagram.

12. Explain the source coding of speech for wireless communications.
13. (i) What is a PN sequence.? Explain its important properties. (8)
(ii) Describe with block diagram, DS SS binary PSK spread spectrum system. (8)

14. (i) Describe the operation of a CDMA multiplexing system. (10)
(ii) List the advantages of CDMA over TDMA multiple access scheme.(6)

15.  With the help of block diagram explain how DSSS can be implemented. Draw the input and output waveforms.

16  Explain the frequency – hopped spread spectrum with a block diagram.
How PN sequences are generated?

17.(i) What is a Pseudo noise sequence? What are the properties of Pseudo noise sequence? (8)
(ii) Describe the application of CDMA in Wireless communication system. (8)

18.  (i) With a block diagram explain, DS spread spectrum with coherent binary PSK. (10)
(ii) Explain the near-far problem in spread spectrum modulation? (6)

 3 0 0 3
The student should be made to:
 Be familiar with the C++ concepts of abstraction, encapsulation, constructor, polymorphism,
overloading and Inheritance.
 Learn advanced nonlinear data structures.
 Be exposed to graph algorithms
 Learn to apply Tree and Graph structures
C++ Programming features - Data Abstraction - Encapsulation - class - object - constructors - static
members – constant members – member functions – pointers – references - Role of this pointer –
Storage classes – function as arguments.
String Handling – Copy Constructor - Polymorphism – compile time and run time polymorphisms –
function overloading – operators overloading – dynamic memory allocation - Nested classes -
Inheritance – virtual functions.
Abstract class – Exception handling - Standard libraries - Generic Programming - templates – class
template - function template – STL – containers – iterators – function adaptors – allocators -
Parameterizing the class - File handling concepts.
AVL trees – B-Trees – Red-Black trees – Splay trees - Binomial Heaps – Fibonacci Heaps – Disjoint
Sets – Amortized Analysis – accounting method – potential method – aggregate analysis.
Representation of Graphs – Breadth-first search – Depth-first search – Topological sort – Minimum
Spanning Trees – Kruskal and Prim algorithm – Shortest path algorithm – Dijkstra’s algorithm –
Bellman-Ford algorithm – Floyd - Warshall algorithm.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
 Design problem solutions using Object Oriented Techniques.
 Apply the concepts of data abstraction, encapsulation and inheritance for problem solutions.
 Use the control structures of C++ appropriately.
 Critically analyse the various algorithms.
 Apply the different data structures to problem solutions.
1. Bjarne Stroustrup, “The C++ Programming Language”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.
2. Mark Allen Weiss, “Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++”, 2nd Edition, Pearson
Education, 2005
1. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein, "Introduction to
Algorithms", Second Edition, Mc Graw Hill, 2002.
2. Michael T Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, David Mount, “Data Structures and Algorithms in C++”,
th Edition, Wiley Publishers, 2004.

 0 0 3 2
The student should be made to:
 Learn to create and use a database
 Be familiarized with a query language
 Have hands on experience on DDL Commands
 Have a good understanding of DML Commands and DCL commands
 Familiarize advanced SQL queries.
 Be Exposed to different applications
1. Creation of a database and writing SQL queries to retrieve information from the database.
2. Performing Insertion, Deletion, Modifying, Altering, Updating and Viewing records based on
3. Creation of Views, Synonyms, Sequence, Indexes, Save point.
4. Creating an Employee database to set various constraints.
5. Creating relationship between the databases.
6. Study of PL/SQL block.
7. Write a PL/SQL block to satisfy some conditions by accepting input from the user.
8. Write a PL/SQL block that handles all types of exceptions.
9. Creation of Procedures.
10. Creation of database triggers and functions
11. Mini project (Application Development using Oracle/ Mysql )
a) Inventory Control System.
b) Material Requirement Processing.
c) Hospital Management System.
d) Railway Reservation System.
e) Personal Information System.
f) Web Based User Identification System.
g) Timetable Management System.
h) Hotel Management System
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
 Design and implement a database schema for a given problem-domain
 Populate and query a database
 Create and maintain tables using PL/SQL.
 Prepare reports.
Standalone desktops 30 Nos.
Server supporting 30 terminals or more.

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